* * Oherwydd ymrwymiadau eraill, mae’r prosiect hwn wedi’i atal dros dro * *
Beth yw Cyfeillion Stryd?
Rydyn ni’n grŵp o aelodau cymunedol sy’n ymrwymedig i wneud newidiadau positif yn ein cymuned leol, ymunwch â ni a gwneud gwahaniaeth!
Pam mae angen Cyfeillion Stryd arnon ni?
Efallai eich bod yn gwybod neu efallai nad ydych ond mae yna lawer o bethau yn mynd ymlaen yn eich cymuned, megis digwyddiadau, clybiau, boreau coffi, grwpiau hobiau, teithiau cerdded, sgyrsiau, teithiau a chlybiau chwaraeon. Mae’r rhain yn digwydd mewn lleoliadau amrywiol megis llety cysgodol, caffis, unedau diwydiannol, neuaddau cymuned, neuaddau eglwys, sy’n rhai enghreifftiau. Mae’r rhain yn wasanaethau allan yno y gallwch chi, aelod o’r teulu neu ffrind elwa ohonynt a chwithau’n gwybod dim amdanynt. Dyma lle gall cyfaill stryd helpu. Trwy ddod yn gyfaill stryd fe allwch chi helpu:-
- pobol yn eu cymuned
- cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth a’r defnydd o wasanaethau lleol
- cynyddu hyder y trigolion i ddod o hyd i atebion i’w anghenion
- lleihau unigrwydd a chynyddu lles ymhlith unigolion
- hyrwyddo dull o weithio ar y cyd rhwng darparwyr gwasanaeth
- darparu cymuned fwy cyfartal a hydwyth i’r trigolion
Diddordeb mewn dod yn Gyfaill Stryd, ond beth mae’n ei olygu i chi?
Gall rôl cyfaill stryd ffitio o gwmpas eich amserlen a’ch diddordebau personol. Er enghraifft os ydych chi’n teimlo’n angerddol am yr amgylchedd, fe allech chi ganolbwyntio’r rôl o gwmpas hynny. Neu efallai eich bod am drefnu digwyddiad yn eich ardal- gall y rôl cyfaill stryd a’r rhwydwaith eich helpu gyda hynny. Beth bynnag yw’ch diddordeb, mae yna gyfle i deilwra eich rôl o gwmpas hynny. Trwy ymuno fe allwch chi ddarparu cymuned fwy cyfartal a hydwyth i’r trigolion . Trwy ymuno fe allwch chi: :
- Dysgu sgiliau newydd
- Gwneud ffrindiau newydd
- Ennill Credydau Amser
- Ymuno â grŵp
- Cwrs sefydlu a hyfforddiant parhaus
- Helpu i wneud gwahaniaeth
- Cynyddu eich hyder
- Mwynhau ansawdd bywyd gwell
Am ddealltwriaeth ehangach, cliciwch yma i weld Disgrifiad rôl a / neu gysylltu â Darren Rees ar 01554 774103 neu [email protected]. I gofrestru’ch diddordeb, llenwch y ffurflen ar-lein yma.
When and where do we meet?
The Street Buddies Network meet once a month on the second Wednesday of the month at 10am at Felinfoel Community Resource Centre. These meetings are open to all and are an excellent opportunity to learn about what is on offer from various services in your community. If you would like to promote your own organisation, please get in touch (details above). Turn Up. Take Part. Join the Network. Time Credits are offered to all volunteers that attend the Network meetings.
Next meeting…
The next Street Buddy Network meeting takes place on Wednesday 11th September at 10am.
Venue: Felinfoel Community Resource Centre, Felinfoel Recreation Ground, off Ynyswen Road, Felinfoel, Llanelli, SA14 8BE.
We had People Speak Up with us for the July meeting. People Speak Up, based at Ffwrness Fach at Ffwrness Theatre are a social arts and well-being enterprise who connect communities through storytelling, spoken word, creative writing and participatory arts. They run a number of fantastic projects in the community and will be explaining more on what they can offer, such as workshops, training, events, volunteering and conversations. You can view a short video that focuses on one of their projects, that tackles loneliness and isolation through storytelling, by clicking here.
We had People Speak Up with us for the July meeting. People Speak Up, based at Ffwrness Fach at Ffwrness Theatre are a social arts and well-being enterprise who connect communities through storytelling, spoken word, creative writing and participatory arts. They run a number of fantastic projects in the community and will be explaining more on what they can offer, such as workshops, training, events, volunteering and conversations. You can view a short video that focuses on one of their projects, that tackles loneliness and isolation through storytelling, by clicking here.
Thank you to Brian Mogford from Pride in Your Patch for attending and giving an overview of the project at the June meeting. Brian discussed the work the project has achieved in local communities across Carmarthenshire in regards to keeping it clean. Future plans will look to create litter pick ‘hubs’ in different areas. A Street Buddies litter picking group will be on the agenda for sure.

At the May meeting, Marc Davies discussed the volunteering options with Digital Communities Wales. He informed the Street Buddies of how they are going about getting more people online and the tools available for volunteers to help others. Digital Communities Wales works nationwide and they have trained over 3,000 volunteers in Wales to date. To find out more click here

At the April meeting, Sue Smith gave a talk on Carmarthenshire Is Kind and Dewis Cymru. Carmarthenshire is Kind is aiming to promote kindness within local communities in Carmarthenshire. In particular it aims to help support and intervene with those individuals who are lonely and socially isolated. It also aims to create more local community provision based on the needs of the community. Dewis Cymru is a website that aims to help people with their well-being. It’s the place to go for people who want information or advice about well-being – whether that’s their own well-being or the well-being of a family member or friend. View their leaflet here