50 years of working with and for the community

Celebrating the council's 50th year anniversary
1st April 1974 - 31st March 2024

February 1st, 2022

Phil Bennett OBE Community Resource Centre

Hall information

Address:  Phil Bennett OBE Community Resource Centre, Felinfoel Recreation Ground, off Ynyswen Road, Felinfoel, Llanelli, SA14 8BE.

Situated within the grounds of Felinfoel Recreation Ground, King George V Fields, Phil Bennett OBE Resource Centre houses office space and changing rooms for Felinfoel’s Cricket, Football and Rugby sides.  The community hall, named Bro Las Hall, is situated on the first floor which is equipped with a modern kitchen. Disabled parking and access is available at the hall.

Hire cost of hall: Costs vary, download hire prices here.  You can hire the hall with Time Credits at a rate of 2 Time Credits per hour.

Hall bookings: contact the booking secretary on 07813160113.

Regular activities at the hall:

last updated July, 2024


  • 5-6pm: Rainbows (5-7 year olds) – Term Time Only
  • 6-7pm: Brownies (7-10 year olds) – Term Time Only
  • 7-8pm: Guides (10-14 year olds) – Term Time Only
  • 8-9pm: Rangers (14-18 year olds) – Term Time Only


  • 9am-12noon: Mother and Toddler Group
  • 4-7pm: Kick Boxing


  • 12-2pm: Craft Organisation
  • 2.30-4pm: University of the Third Age (EVERY 3RD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH)
  • 5-9pm: Slimming World


  • 8am-11am – Slimming World
  • 5-7pm: Kickboxing


  • 9am-12noon: Maths’ Classes
  • 5pm-7pm Ballet for children


  • 9-12pm: Polish language school in Llanelli (Term time only)
  • 12-5.30pm: Cricket (DURING THE SEASON)


  • 9-12pm: Polish language school in Llanelli (Term time only)

Other information

Visit the Centre’s Facebook page here

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