50 years of working with and for the community

Celebrating the council's 50th year anniversary
1st April 1974 - 31st March 2024

Whole Place Plan 2015 : 2030

Background. The Whole Place Plan is a result of a series of consultations done within the community at the beginning of 2015. We engaged in nine community workshops over the rural area, conducted an online survey and also quizzed a number of large local employers located in the area. In the community workshops, local people were asked to identify key local issues and ideas to address and then prioritise these as a group. The Whole Place Plan has captured this information for each ward and has set out a number of interventions that can help address the issues raised into positive actions which is in-keeping with the new Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015.

What is “Whole Place”? It is a way of helping everyone work together to improve the lives of our local population, through its sustainable development. It intends to represent the needs of its communities and take responsibility in organising a co-ordinated response to meeting these needs.

What can the Whole Place Plan achieve?

  • Highlights local issues important to you
  • Prioritises actions / ideas
  • Whole area interventions that tackle common concerns
  • Provide evidence for funding applications
  • Promotes & encourages partnership working
  • Prompt community action

To download a copy of the plan, click here