Press Release
For immediate release: 30 June, 2017
“Furnace Community Hall Open Day”
An open day has been arranged for Furnace Community Hall on Thursday 13th July. The event is being coordinated by Llanelli Rural Council and the Furnace Community Hall Management Committee. Residents are welcome to drop in at any time between 1.00pm – 7.00pm. Attendees will be able to find out information on community services and clubs such as Carmarthenshire Communities First, Care and Repair, Carers Information Service, Shelter Cymru, Community Resilience Coordinators, Spice Time Credits, Post Office, Llanelli Male Voice Choir with more to be confirmed.
The hall committee is looking for more volunteers to help out at the hall and assist with other village projects such as the Christmas lights switch on, hanging baskets for Summer 2018 and other hall management duties such as marketing and treasurer roles.
Llanelli Rural Council and partners will be listening to the views of the attendees in relation to the Council’s Whole Place (Well-being) Plan, Safe Routes in Communities and there is the opportunity to sign up individuals and groups to Time Credits which ties in with new Flood Wardens and Community Champions projects. The Council will also be promoting its Community Development Fund which is now open for applications.
Council Leader, Cllr. Tegwen Devichand said “During the initial Whole Place Plan consultations, residents of Furnace told us they wanted to know more about the hall and its availability and we are working with the hall committee in response to that. Now is a good time for the open day, as in addition to promoting the hall, there is an opportunity for residents to learn about the Safe Routes in Community bid which can potentially help address the already massive concerns locally about speeding and pedestrian access along Cwmbach and Stradey Roads. There is also a new part time Post Office provision in the village. You can find out about all of these and other valuable community services, including volunteering opportunities, if you drop by on the day”
For further information, please contact:
Community Development Officer, Darren Rees on 01554 774103