Transport for Wales are currently managing the reissue of free bus passes across Wales
Here’s an update on the renewal Transport for Wales are managing on behalf of all 22 local councils in Wales.
There are currently around 750,000 bus passes in Wales and the current green coloured cards will all expire on 31 December 2019 and not be accepted on buses. Since September we’ve been raising awareness of the changes, and already we’ve received 450,000 applications. With the deadline now fast approaching Transport for Wales are keen to promote the changes as much as possible to ensure they reach as many people as possible and provide time for people to reapply and receive their new-style cards before the end of the year.
Cardholders can either reapply online at www.tfw.wales/travelcards or by paper, which they can download via the Transport for Wales website or pick up a copy from their local council. They can also request a copy in the post by calling our helpline 0300 303 4240.
The new cards offer the same travel benefits for 60s and over and eligible disabled persons.
There’s also ‘How to videos’ available:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8q_bwWi4Wo (English)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBjwmBvTXh8 (Welsh)
Here’s a link to the other campaign materials :
English – https://tfw.wales/bus-campaign-support
Welsh – https://tfw.wales/cy/cymorth-ymgyrch-bws
For further information please contact:
Kyle Selwood
Swyddog Cyfathrebu / Communications Officer
Trafnidiaeth Cymru / Transport for Wales
Tŷ South Gate, Stryd Wood, Caerdydd, CF10 1EW
South Gate House, Wood Street, Cardiff, CF10 1EW