50 years of working with and for the community

Celebrating the council's 50th year anniversary
1st April 1974 - 31st March 2024

May 29th, 2015

Whole Place Plan

Cleaner, Greener and more caring please

More attention to keeping communities cleaner, improving the quality of open and green spaces and promoting more involvement by everyone in caring about local neighbours and places, were the key points that came from a community survey and local workshops, recently held to develop a “Whole Place” plan for the Llanelli Rural area.

A wide cross section of views were provided from across all ages and all the distinct areas that are covered by the Llanelli Rural Council. Over 120 people attended one of the 9 workshops held across the area and 250 people took time to complete a survey. All the comments and suggestions made have been analysed and the resulting ideas to address the issues raised are set out in a draft Whole Place plan available for further comment on the Council’s website http://www.llanelli-rural.gov.uk/ until the 30th June 2015.

Designed to tie in with the national Well Being goals recently made into law by the Welsh Government through the Well Being of Future Generations Act 2015, the plan proposes some practical proposals to tackle local concerns. Measures to promote local training and recruitment, be better prepared for flooding and improve local amenities are among a series of actions the Council will develop in conjunction with other public sector bodies, voluntary groups and businesses.

Councillor Carol Rees, Leader of the Rural Council welcomed the response to the consultation by local people – “We are pleased that so many people were able to let us have their views and ideas for making things better, if we are to deliver the excellent proposals set out in the draft Whole Place plan we will need to work together with relevant organisations and communities for the wider benefit of the area and to address the prospects for future generations. The plan will need to evolve as circumstances change and we see this as very much the beginning of a continuing conversation between the Rural Council and local people”.

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For further information, please contact:
Llanelli Rural Council Clerk, Mr Mark Galbraith on 01554 774103
28 May 2015.

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